IMPORTANT: Timeless Tales Magazine is partnered with Once Upon a Blog for our book reviews. So all review requests sent to Timeless Tales will be evaluated jointly with OUABlog. Final reviews will be posted on Once Upon a Blog's site.
We always welcome the opportunity to read books related to fairy tales and mythology. If you are an author and would like us to review your book, please follow these guidelines:
1. Be prepared to provide a review copy in either digital or physical form.
2. Please mention the name of your publisher. We don't accept self-published work.
3. Both fiction, collections of poetry/short stories, and non-fiction welcome. We prefer that fiction books be a clear retelling or mashup of a fairy tale or myth (retellings of modern tales like Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz are acceptable).
4. If your book is fantasy with fairy tale or mythological elements, please include a brief, specific list, of the book's elements of folklore.
5. All requests should be sent to timelesstalesbookreviews@gmail.com.
Important note: We aim to promote books/e-books that reflect a level of content similar to that listed in our submission policy. So no books with graphic violence or sexuality above a PG-13 rating, please!
Extra details:
1. While Timeless Tales encourages our reviewers to be positive and go light on the criticism, we also want them to be honest and fair. By sending us a review copy, you are asking for our opinion and must understand that we cannot guarantee praise or recommendation.
In that vein, we ask that our authors agree to be respectful when responding to any review or to commenters on the review's post. Failure to abide by this may result in removal of the post.
2. Because we take our authors seriously, please note that our response times and postings of a review will vary according to workload and availability. If you would like your review to be posted in a certain time frame (for a release date, blog tour, or promotional tie-in) we ask that you let us know prior to being reviewed and with at least one months notice. We will let you know at the soonest opportunity whether we can then schedule this.